Primordial Stillness
Still the body, still the mind, still the voice inside;
in silence, feel the Stillness move.
Dear friends, this feeling cannot be imagined. -Kabir (14CE)
Group Workshop - Six Hours - Live On Zoom : 2/22, 3/1, 3/8, 3/15 at 1:30p - 3p PT
$108 / person if paying by Zelle or Venmo | $112 /person if paying by card.
email : if you would like to pay by Venmo / Zelle.
Payment by card : $108 + $4 (card processing fees) = $112

Cancellation policy and classroom etiquette.

Do you, or someone you know, experience one or more of the following?
Feelings of unbalance: Even after eating right and resting enough, you wake up feeling not completely ‘right’, feeling of something “off”, but you can’t put a finger on it. Physically all seems well but emotionally and energetically you feel an ongoing sense of discomfort within.
Chronic fatigue: All your lab works are unremarkable, but the fatigue doesn’t seem to go away; no matter how many energy drinks, superfoods, and supplements you take, you still feel fatigue in afternoon or wakeup tired.
Chronic dissatisfaction: You are physically, financially, and socially comfortable, but deep inside there is a feeling of dissatisfaction that lingers on, irrespective of all the achievements and celebrations in life.
Background malaise: Even after regular massages, yoga sessions, detoxing, and tantra meditations, you still continue to feel background tension and unease. You may often wake up with stiffness and foggy head.
If you said yes to one or more of the above then according of Nondual Tantra tradition these are symptoms of “loss of connection with stillness that resides in our Heart“.
If you are interested in learning to help yourself or people in your community using Stillness Alchemy, then you are at right place.